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Modern Slavery Statement


This Mumcan Fitness is committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. As a responsible and ethical CBD blog, we recognize the importance of promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical practices within our operations and supply chain.

Our Business

This Mumcan Fitness operates as the official site. While we primarily provide information on CBD and wellness, we understand the significance of addressing and preventing modern slavery throughout our business activities.

Our Supply Chain

As a blog, our supply chain primarily involves digital services and content creation. We engage with writers, contributors, and service providers who share our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.

Our Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking

We have established policies and procedures to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place within our organization and supply chain. These policies include:

Supplier Due Diligence

We conduct due diligence on all new and existing suppliers to assess their compliance with ethical and legal standards. We expect our suppliers to adhere to the same principles of preventing modern slavery.

Contractual Commitments

Our contracts with suppliers explicitly state that we prohibit the use of forced labor and any form of modern slavery. We require our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Employee Awareness

We provide training to our employees to raise awareness of modern slavery issues and equip them with the knowledge to identify and report any potential concerns.

Steps Taken in 2022

In the year 2022, This Mumcan Fitness has taken the following steps to further strengthen our commitment to eradicating modern slavery:

Supplier Audits

We have conducted audits of key suppliers to assess their compliance with our ethical standards and to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery.

Training and Awareness Programs

Our team has participated in training programs to enhance their understanding of modern slavery issues and to stay updated on best practices for prevention.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery. This includes ongoing monitoring, assessment, and adaptation of our policies and practices.

Future Steps

As part of our ongoing commitment to combatting modern slavery, This Mumcan Fitness plans to take the following steps in the future:

Collaboration and Advocacy

We will actively seek collaborations with organizations and initiatives dedicated to eradicating modern slavery. We will also advocate for ethical practices within our industry.

Extended Due Diligence

We will enhance our due diligence processes by extending assessments to a broader range of suppliers and service providers.

Stakeholder Engagement

We will engage with stakeholders, including our audience and partners, to communicate our commitment to combatting modern slavery and to encourage collective action.


This Mumcan Fitness is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and responsibility in all aspects of our business. We will continue to take meaningful steps to prevent and address modern slavery, and we invite our community to join us in promoting a world free from exploitation.

For further information or to report any concerns related to modern slavery, please contact us at

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